Cash Flow Management, Regulation or Pandemic – Which is the True Margin Killer?
What Other Derivative Contracts can we Expectto See Listed in the Listed Derivatives Exchanges
Asset Allocation…Where is the Liquidity going?
Why C – Levels Should be Involved in Technology Issues?
How can financial institutions make a healthful move to the cloud and harness its benefits for risk and regulatory reporting?
SupTech (Supervisory Technology) es la aplicación de tecnologías RegTech para supervisores. ¿Qué quiere decir esto? Mientras que las RegTech (Regulatory Technology) ayudan a empresas financieras a cumplir con las regulaciones a través del uso de tecnologías como la inteligencia artificial y el Data Warehousing,
Mesa Panel con: Adolfo Babatz, Bernardo Gonzalez, Vicente Fenoll, Rodrigo Ocejo, Salvador Orozco, Carlos Orta, Alfonso Romo, Heliodoro Ruiz.